A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Saturday, November 20, 2004

God Chosen.

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:27 AM

George W. Bush claimed that he is chosen by his "God" to be president.

1. It's the same thing claimed by the ancient chinese despots call themselves Emperors.

2. It is quite shameful, and Allah should be enraged, that the one chosen by "God" is not doing anything in his executive power to stop the raiding and deteriorating of Houses of Allah in the falsely attacked Iraq. Not to mention the lies he mentioned about Weapons of Mass Destruction.

He claims he is the maker of Democracy while his administration has been effectively put a dog chain on the press of his own nation.

He claims he is the champion of the war against terror, while all he's been doing is putting terror in the hearts of his own people.

He claims he is the true leader of free world, while all he's been doing is putting the word freedom under close scrutiny and more and more tight overseeing.

Why on earth 52% of more than half United States of America's citizens are getting more and more idiot and getting more and more under churchs dogmas and doctrines?

They say they are the Avant Garde of Civilization. Not in their churches they're not.