A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Friday, May 06, 2005

Poverty is A Crime

by Eko Prasetyo @ 8:11 AM

Let us declare that poverty is a crime

It is a crime because it has been 'causing much trouble to this civilized world
It is a crime because only crime breeds crime
It is a cime because it's not a pretty sight to behold
It is a crime because it needs to feed on questionable things

It is a crime that needs to be eradicated
It takes a lot of people to wipe it off the face of the world
It is going to need plenty of woman and man to hold hands together to cease its spreading
It is not going to be an easy task, but it will be worth the price

We must not ignore poverty
Everyone who ignores poverty must be deemed criminal
'Cause ignoring criminals means helping them to spread
So everyone who ignores poverty is criminal too

Think of it, people, what can we have if we eradicate it

A world where there's no one sleepless at night hungry
A world where children enjoy their rights to learn and play
A world where no one is told to die by petty money
A world where no one is criminal

So let us hold in hands in peace
Gather our minds, hearts, strengths and riches
To spread the Blessing given by God to us
To eradicate this one crime that is the root of all crime