A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Monday, June 12, 2006


by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:25 PM

Playing through Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion using god mode cheat makes me think that limits are there simply to make our lives NOT boring. Yes, in god mode no one can harm me, no weights shall encumber me, and all doors are open for me. But god mode has the same effects that playing as high level, fully enchanted character in Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind: boredoms.

I first played god mode cause I have a feeling that dificulty level in Oblivion is quite unfair, and because my PC specs are somewhat on the bottom level of specs needed to run this game (can't stand the loadting time..). But in the end playing as invulnerable character really make me unable to truly appreciate the gore, the fighting, and the challenges that are present in this game.

But there's one more reason I need to continue usin god mode: daytime job. With the amount of energy spent in the daytime, I no longer have the energy to think about how to survive an ogre and his twin brother down in a tight cavernous channels surrounded by sharp metallic things that can hurt us...I just need the slashing, without the thinking, you know, to load-off daytime stresses?

Limits...can't live without them...