A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Monday, October 30, 2006


by Eko Prasetyo @ 9:39 PM

That's Japanese for Festival. Kitaro's best composition is called Matsuri, a festival of sounds. It portrays a harmony of strong-beat drums, alluring windpipes, dancing brasses, and dynamic humanity. Then a question rises: Kitaro's Matsuri, a harmony of almost pure natural sounds, can be enjoyed by everyone on this face of the earth. Then why not all humans can enjoy harmony among themselves?

Seven Deadly Sins: Lust, Pride, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, and foremost Greed. One man once said: Sins are nothing then act of some people that diminishes the rights of other people.

So, listen to Kitaro's Matsuri and think: Why not The Harmony?