A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Hanging There

by Eko Prasetyo @ 8:13 AM

There is nothing more shameful than to see the representatives of people DOZING OFF on their first day of the job.

I simply can not understand the mentality of these so called representatives. They spent billions of rupiah each month to enrich themselves and they can not, at least, sit right up and be sober on their jobs.

I simply can not understand...

But what I can understand is the fact that they do something hard, and that something is not being a representative, but being the henchmen of some cabal of manipulative bastards (read: the army and their protected businessmen).

They are like a plague that needs to be get rid of. 550+ people spending billion of rupiah each month for nothing but messing with the executive branch.