A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Year 2005 : A start

by Eko Prasetyo @ 2:01 PM I am again, back to blogging and back to a January 1st.

My father is retired, and I got my first income the day when he started to stop coming to his office.

I am finally able to treat friends with my own income..and buying all of those video games, Gundam kits, cellphones, graphic cards, mp3 players, and so on and so on and so on...the list got longer and longer and longer when I was thinking what should I do with the money...and the wage seems not enough if I satisfy every needs...
Not to mention I'm still single and the dating requirement projections are not on the outcome list yet...

Ah well, have start to use that EXCEL stuff and begin doing some accounting..

And yes..this is indeed shall be the grimmest new year in the modern era, with death tolls approaching 150000 occured after The Great Shaking of 2004.

Let's pray for them and for our friends in Aceh.
Part of my wage has gone to them, but it wasn't enough. It shall never be enough.

Peaceful be the Earth.