A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Sleepy Head Me

by Eko Prasetyo @ 7:27 AM

There's something wrong with me. I'm unable to sleep late more than 9 p.m.
I mean, I'm a man, with male friends who seem to don't mind of staying up
late. When I tell them that I am unable to bear the idea of staying up
late, it seem the idea is such a thing that lowers my value.

Just like last night, I took the liberty to join my friends on a game of
futsal and later on, game of pools. When the clock hits 8.30 p.m, I got
nervous, sleepy, and seems to be homesick. When I told them "hey guys,
lets go home, it's late", they said "hey man, the night is young, why the

I then said goodbye to then, left them feeling sleepy, out of focus, and
confused. Why can't I do things like them?

Probably my habbit of sleeping early at 8.00 p.m and wake up early at 3.00
a.m that I had been doing from my junior high time up to my senior high
era seems to be unable to leave me completely. Especially that wake up
early at three in the morning. It is such a torture when you got home at
nine, unable to sleep till 12, and then ended up awaken and unable to
sleep again till it's time for you to take the morning routine and leave
to your job place with such a tortured body and mind because of lack of

But I've found some cure, although temporary. I can sleep on the way to
the office by buses. I can also misuse my office time to sleep for about
10-20 minutes to somehow tame my restlessness due to sleepinesss. It
works. But nothing like a long sleep.

Man, I'm sleepy now.