A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Kurau Field Trip III - Finale

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:51 PM

Finally I came home today.

While being transported back to the office, I got a call from my friend telling me to stop by at a peking duck restaurant in a mall, so I did. It turned out we are being treated by Schlumberger, again. So I joint the fray and eat up all the food that comes to my face till I was full. It was truly some free lunch!

I was thinking about lunch when the invitation came.

Then I joint them when they came back to the office to pray and check some e-mails.

Then I went home. Resting. ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT MY YAHOO MESSENGER PASSWORD HAS BECOME INVALID. That sucks. Need to fix this A.S.A.P or I'll lose contact with people I know...

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