A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Kurau Field Trip III - Day 7

by Eko Prasetyo @ 7:36 AM

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usI and Pal ended our first batch of experiments yesterday, so we moved to the next batch of experiments and found that this batch has so many surprising properties, like oil phase that looks like brown, mucus covered feces, and oil phase that looks like thick chocolate layers on top of a caramel...

And I mix them all by hands.

On other topic, I finally resigned from the office camping committee, seeing that my field trip will extend to beyond the days of the camping. I have told The Girl, by phone, to organize things since she had shown more enthusiasm than the other. She accepted it willingly. Thanks God I had put my efforts to put her on the committee. Now I can only wish them good luck.

And Pal and I went to other well service division to discuss things. The man in charge of the division ended up sharing some of his stories of life, and we eagerly listening and sharing our stories too.

In the end we made conclusion that the well service man was a lonely guy, being a new guy on the field and hasn't made much friends.

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