A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


by Eko Prasetyo @ 12:57 PM

I'm hungry, the air conditioner feels like a freezer, and it's cloudy outside.

It's basically a tough day for someone who has to do his religion's compulsory fasting.

Oh aspect of Ramadhan Fasting is to make a daily well-fed man feels the way of life of non-daily well-fed man. That ought to teach us to count our blessings and distribute those which we have in excess to our poorer brothers.

On scientifical note, A Moslem's Ramadhan Fasting has been proven to be able to make a him healthier, because his digestive system is put to a slow down, enough to make the cells and tissues repair themselves.

So, why don't you join us and make yourself slimmer and healthier in only no more that 30 days!!