A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Saturday, February 06, 2010

New PC Yayness!

by Eko Prasetyo @ 8:00 PM

After 4 years of being satisfied by using outdated laptop for my gaming and everyday need, I finally able to purchase a full blown medium performance gaming rig. With brainpower of Athlon II X2 245, bloodstream of AMD 785G with 128MB HD4200 integrated graphic , 4GB (!) of RAM, RADEON HD 5770 (!) and some 600 GB Harddisk with integrated sound card. Praise Allah for allowing me to purchase this rig.

I finally able to play 3D RPG games with cool framerates again. My last 3D RPG games is Sword of The New World: Granado Espada (US Version). I remember two years ago that I have to grit my teeth everytime we went clan war and boss raid. I got expelled once from a clan because my laptop can not cope with the load during boss raid. Pity, pity me.

I remember I was baffled because I can not even play Sim City: Society.  I know that my life on my Toshiba laptop will be limited to Colonization, and I can not even play Colonization right..not with its stuttering and slowpokeness.

So yeah, I finally decided to bust my bank, liquidify my mutual fund, and contacted a forum recommended PC builder for a spec and quotation. I got the quotation, agreed on the spec, and transfer the fund away. I don't really care if they stole it and runaway. I was that desperate.

And it seems my trust got paid off. I can now play Modern Warfare 2, Risen, Civ IV:Colonization right. Here's hoping that I can play CnC 3 and Last Remnant right too :)

And yeah: Windows 7 rocks!

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  • At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Vickie said…

    'Grats on the nice, new gaming rig! I played Granado Espada for a while but there was just something about that game that didn't quite capture me. Maybe because I only needed to put my characters on auto-attack check back every few minutes?

    And I agree; Windows 7 rocks! :D

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  • At 3:52 AM, Anonymous rami said…

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