A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Day 23, 2006

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:23 AM

Back to office, back to striving for a living. A guy went out of town to take a course, a guy is taking days off, and a guy just retired. Those absences made me a very lonely person with only my more than a year old MP3 player and cellphone for company.

My cellphone had mysteriously cured from whatever illness that have been plaguing it since last week. I am now able to use it without problems. That's a relief.. I thought I have to replace it with a new cellphone..

My Arts have been receiving good comments lately, showing that I do own some talents that can be considered good by the world. It's up for me now to fully optimize the potency and perhaps monetize from it.

I am starting a diet, thinking that my stomach has been growing "forward" and looks "ugly" to me. I eat breakfast and lunch, but I skip dinner and drinking calcium-rich milk instead. Combine that with little push-ups that I have been doing, I think I can have more decent looking and healthier figure in the future.
