A Thinker's Shared Spot of Stories of Living

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Kurau Field Trip V - Day 5

by Eko Prasetyo @ 7:28 AM

Today I followed a fellow petroleum engineer commencing open hole logging using Schlumberger's supercombo tool. It's basically a combination of gamma ray tool for sand/clay detecting, electric resistivity tool for water/oil detecting, and neutron emitting tool for porosity detecting, accompanied by caliper for borehole width measurement and a corelation tool.

What the supercombo do is basically helping geologist and engineer on getting the characteristic of the borehole, feet by feet as it goes deeper. They can determine, based on the tool reading, where is the clay formation and where is the sand formation of the borehole. After they found the sand formations, they will determine, based on the tool reading, whether the sand holds up oil or water or a combination of both. After that, they will determine whether the porosity of the sand formation will hinder the flow of the formation or not.

All of these determinations, will in the end decide where the well will be perforated, and thus produced from. It's also an important data to determine the relations of this well to its neighbouring (offset) wells.

Data is important, anywhere in the world.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Kurau Field Trip V - Day 4

by Eko Prasetyo @ 3:52 PM

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usToday I helped the arrangement of some well formation stimulation project, which is not my original project. There are so many things that can go wrong with formation stimulation, and we all need to make sure that all things can be done right and correctly, so that we won't lose this one well, either it's production or itself.

You see, what we will do is basically putting a somekind of soap into the oil formation, so that the formation will hold back water and not oil instead. By doing so, we hope, the oil will be flowing out easily and the rate of oil production will be higher.

But, none can be sure about what will happen downhole, so..just wish me luck

Monday, November 28, 2005

Kurau Field Trip V - Day 3

by Eko Prasetyo @ 7:13 AM

Free Image Hosting at Finally did something, although not my original intention of coming here. I watched, under a scorching sun, the hassles of commisionning a new well. There seems to be so many elements of it went wrong and needed to be fixed right away. Elements like the placement of its various annulus valves and the calibration of its power supply control panel.

The valves were put in wrong positions by the drilling crew, and the wellservice guys needed to manually relocated them so that the well can be put into proper production state.

The supply control panel shows that the power used are somewhat below standard, so the seasoned engineers needed to know whether the panel were already calibrated or not. smooth start for this one, that's for sure

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Kurau Field Trip V - Day 2

by Eko Prasetyo @ 9:24 AM

Another lame boring day, got nothing to do but moving around doing simple chores.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Kurau Field Trip V - Day 1

by Eko Prasetyo @ 7:02 AM

Free Image Hosting at Well, the first day of my Kurau Field Trip V was spent on getting into the location, eating, and sleeping. The LCT that supposed to carry us and the heavy duty tools to the destined field was put on hold.

We can't do anything if the LCT haven't gone there. So by now, you must have understood why I said I was just sleeping and eating yesterday.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Kurau Field Trip V - Departure

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:06 AM

Yay, I got ordered to return to Kurau today. Another field trip, another long hours under the scorching sun and around the buzzing machineries.

And another days of daily field trip bonus !! Yay!!

Anyways, I am about to start up a well and do many more things, so...wish me luck !!

A Hot XBOX 360 Honeymoon

by Eko Prasetyo @ 12:27 AM

So, you are waiting for XBOX260 (aka XBOX ver 1.5) ? Read the words that have been saying about the fresh console flop on overheating and software instability.

Some have said further that the gadget dawn is quickly turning into its dusk, add that with the fact that microsoft is losing some dollars with every XBOX sold, the question wheter the things is here to stay or not

Guess another Halo is needed to save the thing from accelerated demise


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mirrors Would Bring Winter Sun to Dark Town

by Eko Prasetyo @ 8:13 PM

In Here, It is said that a set of hundreds of mirrors will be used to bring sunlight to a city only 10 minutes separated from it.

A city that has fallen into a very long night. A city on the Arctic.

The town 25 miles east of Innsbruck is Austria's smallest-- and getting smaller. Its population has dropped by about 20 percent to 440 in the last two decades, and both Peskoller and Mayor Franz Wurzenrainer attribute that at least in part to lack of sunshine.

A lack of sunshine. That's not healthy for people's soul, is it?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Long Walk

by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:59 PM

Took a long walk today. A walk that feels like something I have not been able to do for a looooooooong time. It's a good sport, and cheap one too, walking is.

I sweated, of course, healthy sweat.

Only one thing I wish I didn't have: the carbon monoxide filled atmosphere !!

I, Robot

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Lost In The Jungle of Gold

by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:09 PM

As I venture deeper into the jungle of internet e-gold investments, I have the feelings that I'm getting lost. First, there is e-gold, and then there is autosurf, and next HYIPs...all are confusing, all are 90% scams, and all are attacking each others.

That's why I am glad that the cyberculture has invented something called Web Forums, where people can venture on their own to see people's opinions on things and therefore able to judge what will be safe for them and their e-golds.

Me, I have chosen several highly praised autosurfs to invest to for several reasons: you invest, you surf a few times, you get rewarded. Or you can surf more, automatically and absolutely no mouse-clicks needed, to pile up credits so your site can be given some more exposures.

With more exposures, and more traffics coming to your site, the next step will be to go to a CPM advertising site and get their advertisments to be displayed on your site !!

Of course, I am still going to trade in Marketiva.

Forex trading, having cut my capital into half, is the most potential tool to reach financial freedoms.

The lost I got? That's a learning expense.

Buddha thickens your brains

by Eko Prasetyo @ 5:49 AM

According to this, Meditation alters brain patterns in ways that are likely permanent, scientists have known. But a new study shows key parts of the brain actually get thicker through the practice.

I do agree on this matter. I have always believed that a routine moment of calmness and concentrated breathings and thorough mind self-examining of your body can make you healthier. It's all because you'll have more regulated state of mind and a relieved metabolism, the things will likely to have been put into a state of havoc after a day of hard works.

While regulating your mind and metabolims, your nerves, the most fragile and yet the most decisive parts of your mortal shell, are put into a more organized state. In that state, the nerves will need less efforts to stabilize yourself and therefore require to discharce less neutrons. Less neutrons mean less disruption and therefore less energy.

Less energy means longer lifetime.

So, meditate each day, calm your senses, breathe deeply and regularly. You'll see heaven, amidst briefly.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Will Euro Be Stronger

by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:39 PM

Reading that the Great Car Burnings has been reduced, is this the time for Euro to gain its strength once more?

I believe so, but It'll be for only a while, before Euro is destined to reach its pre-ordained position,1.1650, by the end of this year.

Falsehood (?)

by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:35 PM

Is thisM true? Are Indonesians are finally free from any future bom threats? Can the words be taken seriously? Now? When words are the most useful weapons to destroy and the most effective shield to hide?

Words, in essence, is the mean to exchange thoughts and to share feelings.

Now, words, in practice, is the mean to subjugate people's minds and to "label" something according to those in powers.

Nothing is put right any more here on Earth...even religions have become means to kill others..

Bomb Master's Death (?)

by Eko Prasetyo @ 5:09 AM

Indonesian Police said that they have put Azahari, a terror bomb master, under siege and forced him to detonate a suicide bomb. They said that because of the man's demise, the terror threat will be reduced significantly, cause he was the bomb master.

Police also said that 2 men had escaped prior to the siege. With that fact, I think the Terror Bombs Saga will continue. Who can guarantee that those 2 escapees are not Azahari's pupil in bombmaking?

I won't put my money on our peace yet.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New Space

by Eko Prasetyo @ 9:22 PM

Yay, my cousin bought me a new harddisk : 120 Gigabytes one !!

Well, actually I owe him the price of the harddisk, he didn't buy it especially for me...he would never done that !!

But this new baby will make a GIGANTIC WAVE of MULTIMEDIA COLLECTIONS possible to be contained what's left is UNLIMITED ADSL INTERNET CONNECTION and all will be according to my wish, KYA HA HA HA HA HA !!

Microsot's End?

by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:25 PM

Read this, and you can be sure that soon, very soon (maybe in 10 years), Google will eat up both Sun and Microsoft, and we all will have free WI-MAX connection all over the world, financed by Ultramodern version of AdWords !!

Falsely Treated Instinct

by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:06 PM

Recent losses in forex trading and the came-true gut feelings I had preceding them makes me sure that I have some sort of premonition skill, skill that I have been neglecting so far.

I have to try to indulge it later on...If I survive forex tradings that is..

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Cost of China's Success

by Eko Prasetyo @ 6:14 PM

Read this and be staggered by the most growing country in the world!!

It costs thousands to build a nation, and they will go as statistics only.

Success needs costs, but when slaughtered men are the costs, something must have gone wrong...

Windows Infant Step Brother

by Eko Prasetyo @ 5:22 PM

It seems Windows has other brother, smaller, but has the look and feel of an OS.

It is called "Singularity".

Wonder if it will be the ultimate, serve all OS that MS needs to survive any longer...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Al Farouq GONE !!

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:57 AM

Well, a supposedly highly guarded and highly watched terrorist suspect has escaped a supposedly highly guarded and highly watched and highly cared US administered afghanistan prison.

I say bullshit. I say it's only a spinsters work to give more pressure to Indonesian puppy-weak president and his stabbing-in-the-back vice president.

I say we'll have more bombs in the future.

I say fuck them ALL !!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Halliburton's Overcharging

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:30 PM

Aaah..the devil spawning ground of Halliburton, recently audited to be overcharging and accused of doing general lies and unfair business conducts...

That's why everytime I see a halliburton logo displayed in my office I get the shiver..

The Grand Paris Burning

by Eko Prasetyo @ 8:33 AM

What's wrong with Paris anyway? They have been having fire for 10 DAYS!!

Can't their government do something to contain the juvenile delinquents that started it all? Or the Parisians have been to cultured and therefore to meek to stop an act of oppressive expression?

Or perhaps they have been busy making love, and have not been prepared to make war..

Curse of The Alps Mummy (?)

by Eko Prasetyo @ 5:07 AM

Apparently, there has been a number of deaths surrounding an ice-mummified remnant of a alpine man.

It is not known how many people have worked on the Oetzi project - and whether the death rate is statistically high.

The amateur climber who found Oetzi in 1991, Helmut Simon, was killed during an unexpected blizzard in the Alps last year, not far from the original find.

His body was missing for eight days before it was located.

Within hours of Mr Simon's funeral, the head of the mountain rescue team sent to find him died of a heart attack, aged 45 and apparently in good health.

Four other people associated with Oetzi have died, prompting rumours of a "mummy's curse":

Rainer Henn, 64, a forensic pathologist who handled the body. He was killed in a car crash the following year

Kurt Fritz, the mountaineer who led Dr Henn to the body. He was killed in an avalanche shortly after Dr Henn died

Rainer Holz, 47, a filmmaker who made a documentary about removing the body from its block of ice. He died of a brain tumour soon afterwards

Konrad Spindler, 66, an archaeologist who was a leading expert on the body. He died of complications related to multiple sclerosis.

Hmm..wonder of Ramses II had a very distance relatives that roam the alpine range and they have been exchanging letters, which in one of them the famous pharaoh told his brothers about what curse should be triggered if their deceased bodies are found.

Curse? Geh, that reminds me of a sad pathetic love story of mine..

Friday, November 04, 2005

ADSL here, ADSL there..

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:47 PM

16:23:10 mythgarr it today's positions are all closed by tomorrow's dawn..I'll withdraw my money and run away from marketiva..just kidding :)
16:23:33 scud_guga mythgarr: u wont stop ! ^^
16:24:04 mythgarr scud_guga: and so won't marketiva, hopefully
16:24:24 scud_guga scud_guga: haha as long as we gotjmercado it will be fine! ^^
16:24:43 mythgarr go, jmercado, go
16:24:52 mythgarr you're a god here, he he he
16:24:54 scud_guga mythgarr: i wonder where he's from!
16:25:28 mythgarr scud_guga: The Great Church of Forex Legions of Heavens
16:25:45 scud_guga ^^
16:25:52 scud_guga where u from mythgarr?
16:25:56 mythgarr me?
16:26:02 scud_guga yea
16:26:02 mythgarr i am from that end of the universe
16:26:14 scud_guga where's dat?
16:26:47 mythgarr you know, the one with bali in it?
16:26:59 scud_guga indonesiA? canada?
16:27:15 litang up
16:27:16 mythgarr the less cold one
16:27:22 scud_guga indon?
16:27:44 mythgarr now, don't say that word, it irritates me...i take that as racial word
16:27:50 scud_guga indonesia
16:27:52 scud_guga sorry
16:27:58 mythgarr now that's better
16:28:02 mythgarr yep
16:28:10 scud_guga we are considered beo's
16:28:18 scud_guga bro's coz we come from same continent
16:28:26 mythgarr ah
16:28:29 scud_guga ASIA
16:28:34 mythgarr where do you come from?
16:28:48 scud_guga malaysia ^^
16:28:57 scud_guga below malaysia!
16:29:03 mythgarr tsk..lucky malaysia
16:29:09 scud_guga below malaysia
16:29:15 mythgarr singa?
16:29:19 scud_guga hyea
16:29:52 mythgarr don't suppose you have paypal and chead adsl connection ?
16:30:03 scud_guga chead?
16:30:06 scud_guga what os chead?
16:30:23 mythgarr cheap
16:30:37 scud_guga okok lah
16:30:39 mythgarr as in US$ 30 per month for unlimited?
16:31:00 scud_guga yea
16:31:24 mythgarr do you know that indonesian needs US$ 450 for unlimited adsl?
16:31:28 scud_guga wow
16:31:32 scud_guga that's crazy man
16:31:39 mythgarr yeah, sure dude
16:31:57 mythgarr so, have a room in your home for fellow trader?
16:32:09 scud_guga ahha
16:32:13 scud_guga why? want to join me har?
16:32:14 scud_guga ahah
16:32:34 mythgarr so i can have paypal and unlimted adsl for cheap :D
16:33:35 koba it's crazy guys unlimited adsl is $20 in russia
16:33:42 scud_guga haha
16:33:46 scud_guga that's sad man...
16:33:47 mythgarr yeah
16:34:08 mythgarr only indonesians have that kind of HILLARIOUS adsl rate
16:34:15 scud_guga then come singapore lah
16:34:17 scud_guga ^^


by Eko Prasetyo @ 3:00 PM

I hate contemporary beggars. They dress in mud begging people for money in the big city while back in their hometown they have fortunes three times as i do. Curse them all.

This Side of Anger

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dubya's Concerns

by Eko Prasetyo @ 5:59 PM

PEOPLE!! Put yourself in cautious mode and brace for another invasion made by Halliburton's toysoldiers into an oil rich country, cause Bush's government's has stated that they "have been concerned" about the current conditions of Venezuela.

Well, from my experiences: Dubya's concerns = signal to arm arsenals.

What have you say, guys?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Lost Genes

by Eko Prasetyo @ 4:47 PM

Do you know that there was approximately 17000 lost futures because of South Asian Earthquake?

Shame on you for not mourning it, SHAME ON YOU !!!

My Condolescence for them !!

Singing Toilet

by Eko Prasetyo @ 3:56 AM

A toilet that sings? Now that's something you gotta see, feel and hear !!

I'm sure it will make music lovers feel more at home when they are loading off the excess of their daily lives .